From wade through the sky and ocean to transport through thousand rail and road

we dedicate every service to deliver the best for your business. By leveraging our solid connection with reliable partner on Japan, we build expertise in Japan-Indonesia shipping service. Driven by determination to support your business, we implement the Japanese work ethos to assure smooth delivery without any delay concern.

International Freight

From sail through the ocean to pierce through the sky, we deliver your goods worldwide and pave the way for your business to build a connection with the market between nation

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Custom Clearance Service

We handle the complicated and disruptive part of the import-export process and assure that no customs document can interfere any promise you deliver to the customers.

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Domestic Transportation

Need to distribute import products from Jakarta to every corner of Indonesia? We are ready to help you with intersular shipment by ocean cargo, trucking, and railway at more affordable costs.

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Our Strategies

Improve competitive edge through achieving world class core competency
Promote flexible and global oriented corporate culture that encourage innovation and continous learning
Provide the best value to costumers

International Freight Ocean and Air Freight

Custom Brokerage and Custom Clearance Service

Domestic Transportation Ocean interseluler, Land Transport, And Railway

International Freight Ocean and Air Freight

International Freight Ocean and Air Freight
Ocean Freight Service
Shipping is the invisible industry that puts clothes on peoples back, gas in peoples car, and food on peoples plate. We understand about our important role to make business wheel keep turning. That’s why we continuously strive to improve our service to deliver the best. Swadaya is committed to helping every type of business to connect with more markets and simplify your supply chain end-to-end.
Air Freight Service
In a beauty of logistic industry dynamic, we invariably adapt with unavoidable changes and adjustments . We strive to became your shipment solution by tailoring service to fit your need. Our air freight service provide smooth delivery with cost efficiency that give you flexibility to choose from a range of prices dan service option.

Custom Brokerage and Custom Clearance Sevice

Custom Brokerage and Custom Clearance Sevice
Customs Clearance Service
Clearing consignments through Customs has historically been one of the most complicated and disruptive parts of the import and export process. Our service let you more focus on growing your business by taking over the troublesome part of customs bureaucracy procedure and giving the convenience for your business to reach the global market without feeling overwhelmed with a request from the Customs Service.
With support from our worldwide customs presence and expertise, we reduce the complexity of overall customs clearance activities by providing an all-rounded service that covers required documentation, calculating duties and other taxes on behalf of the importer, arranging for inspections and delivery required by governmental agencies, export and import licence, electronic data interchanges, and managing destination duty paid/unpaid.

Domestic Trnasportation Ocean interseluler, Land Transport, And Railway

Domestic Trnasportation Ocean interseluler, Land Transport, And Railway
Ocean Intersular
That’s not efficient to distribute import products from their origin to every corner of Indonesia by air shipping because it will be very expensive. Our Ocean Intersular service can send your import goods in full container or less from the port to all corners of Indonesia with We have a partnership with OOCL and Naigai to support the export of products from Japan to Indonesia.
Land Transportation:
To reinforce local industry growth and meet the need for a massive and fast goods delivery, we provide shipping options by road that provide flexible, consistent, and timely services. With a fleet of the latest trucking equipment and trailers that are always maintained, professionally cleaned, and serviced regularly every week we are ready to provide transportation solutions to deliver your goods quickly and safely.

Fairate Warehouse

  • HK Airport Warehouse
  • Fairate [Shatin] Warehouse
  • Fairate [GrandTech] Warehouse

HK Airport Warehouse

Unit 212-213, 2/F., Airport Freight

Forwarding Centre, 2 Chun Wan Road,

Chep Lap Kok, Hong Kong.

Tel: (852) 2237 0665

Fax: (852) 2237 1306

Area: 25000 Square feet


(ATL) Warehouse

Gridlines 2022W-2026W, ATL Logistics Centre A,

Berth 3, Kwai Chung Container Terminal, Hong Kong.

Tel: (852) 2717 0553

Fax: (852) 2709 0955

Logistics and CFS Warehouse

7/F, Evergain Centre, 28 On Muk Street, Shek Mun,

Shatin, H.K.

Tel: [853] 2717 0553

Fax: [852] 2709 0955

Area: 50000 Square feet

Temperature & Humidity Warehouse

RM 2307-8, 23/F,

Grendtech Centre,

8 On Ping Street, Shatin

Area: 5000 Square feet

Meitetsu World Transport

Established since 1 April 1961 in Nagoya, Japan, Meitetsu Transport CO., LTD is part of the General Freight Trucking Industry. Meitetsu Transport CO., LTD now has 7,499 total employees across all of its locations and generates $1.07 billion in sales (USD). There are 1,126 companies in the Meitetsu Transport CO., LTD. corporate family. Meitetsu Transport CO., LTD. also operate several lines of business, including:


• Licenced travel agency based on the Travel Agency Law.
• Passenger sales agency for domestic and overseas airlines ship, and other transportaion organizations.
• Forwarding broker for domestic and overseas transportation organizations.
• Eventconvention planner.
• Insurance agency.
• Authorized seller of postal stamps, and tickets.
• Customs broker based on the Customs Bussiness Act.
• Cargo sales agency in line with the Forwarding Business Act.
• International trade agency
• Authorized money exchanger
• Provider of contingent business service for all of the above.

Express Limited - Hongkong

Fairate Express Ltd. Was founded and incorporated in Hongkong in March 1988. With an initial start of seven, yet experienced persons, we have become a medium-sized international air and ocean freight forwarder and consolidator with:

*A total of one hundred-plus full time staff
*Handling approximately 15,000 metric tones of air cargo
*And approximately 11,000 teus of ocean freight per year

Aiming to offer fair rates with the best of services to our customers – no matter big or small, we maintain, at all times, a team of expertise in management, sales and operations to improvements from time to time to cope with ever changing markets.


7F., Kanda-Sudacho Place, 9 Kanda-Sudacho 1-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0041,



Unit 807-812, Lu Plaza 2 Wing Yip Street Kwantong, Kowloon, Hongkong



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Our Customers

What they say

Client’s Testimonial

Our commitment to sustainability helps us reduce waste and share the benefits with
our customers. It permeates the way we do business, driving us to innovate.

  • PT Swadaya sangat membantu kami sejak Perusahaan kami berdiri di tahun 2018. Segala kendala import dibantu dengan sangat Cepat, Tanggap dan Professional. Proses pengeluaran kontainer, pengurusan dokumen, Pengurusan Restitusi, dan Pengecekan Hs Code juga dibantu dengan sangat mendetail. Informasi mengenai aturan import ter-update juga sangat membantu kami memahami proses import sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku di Indonesia.

    Ibu Santi Junianti
    PT. Damai Inti Sentosa
  • Sejak awal menggunakan jasa PT Swadaya, kami sangat terbantu dengan pelayanan yang sangat baik. Semua team Swadaya melayani kami dengan cepat, professional, dan responsif dalam proses terkait dokumen dan pengecekan kelengkapan import barang. Proses pengeluaran barang juga selalu berjalan lancar dan porses komunikasinya sangat baik. Kami senang bekerja sama dengan team swadaya.

    Ibu Wiwiek
    PT Karya Prima Utama
  • Sangat puas dengan pelayanan dari PT Swadaya. Terutama dalam hal komunikasi, tim Swadaya selalu memberikan respon dengan cepat baik melalui e-mail maupun whatsapp. Segala permasalahan yang dikonfirmasi langsung ditangani dengan cepat oleh Swadaya. Seperti pada saat ada keterlambatan pembongkaran, tim Swadaya segera mensupport dalam memonitoring kontainer dan memberikan report mulai dari pelabuhan hingga sampai ke gudang.

    Pak Odi
    PT Craze Indonesia
  • Swadaya, merupakan Forwader yang telah menghandle setiap Shipment PT. Craze Indonesia baik expor maupun impor sejak tahun 2014. Sejauh ini, kami sudah merasakan hasil dari Kerjasama tersebut, terutama dari sisi pelayanan yang cepat dan komunikasi yang baik dengan para PIC-nya. Tim Swadaya juga bisa mengatasi dan memberikan solusi ketika terjadi problem, serta memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang regulasi expor dan impor sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku di Indonesia.

    Pak Waluyo
    PT Craze Indonesia

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